Will Simpson

Executive Coach and Consultant

Personal BIO

I am an influential, innovative, and well-regarded C-Suite executive with extensive experience creating and leading world-class strategies and operations in diverse and ever-changing environments.

Blah, Blah, Blah -- while that is true, it is also boring as hell and tells you almost nothing about ME....

Hey, y’all - I am Will Simpson; welcome to my world as I embark on version three of me!

In version one, I was livin’ large as a pool hall hustler and poker player in Austin, Texas, in the 1980s and 1990s.

Version two came around as I became a single father with primary custody and plunged headfirst into the world of technology and executive leadership. I have not and probably will not ever exit that version of me.

Version three is where I am finding my joy.

First and foremost, I married my best friend and partner whom I do not deserve! We got married on Slurpee® day (July 11th OR 7-11) of 2014 no less - that is JOY right there!

For work joy, I am now adding a full suite of Executive Coaching Services as I join ProAdvisor Coach.

I have also found a new calling that has ZERO to do with profit: making up stories and writing them down!

I published my first fiction novel in June of 2023. Novel #2 is underway!

I have never been a writer, but I have always been a storyteller.

So, join me in this latest version as I move to focus on helping others through Executive Coaching and Consulting while leveraging my story telling passion to weave relatable business tales!

Still want the “CV” view — I am on LinkedIn - check it out!

Subscribe to Ten Eleven Twelve

Thoughts and ramblings from an Executive Coach and Consultant...


I am an influential, innovative, and well-regarded C-Suite executive with extensive experience creating and leading world-class strategies and operations in diverse and ever-changing environments.